Warrior Up Kriya (Strengthen the Heart + Release Tension)


June 2022
Warrior Up Kriya (Strengthen the Heart + Release Tension)

Warrior Up Kriya (Strengthen the Heart + Release Tension)

Britt & Tara

The Warrior Up Kriya is perfect to practice when you need to move some deep-seated stress or tension to relax your body. It is designed to give you an experience what it feels like to relax and be you without feeling bogged down.

If you do this kriya regularly and wholeheartedly, and move with full power and force you can release a lot of angst in the body. It will help you to build a victorious personality - someone who sees victory and positive outcomes in everything they do.

This kriya requires some loud chanting so make sure you're in a place where you can be loud. If you cannot hit the ground (you'll see what we mean), it's okay to bring a pillow or blanket under your hand to muffle the sound! Just make sure you watch your wrist and don't tweak anything.

Enjoy yourself and warrior up!

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