Are you ready to…

Release Your Money Blocks & Unleash The Creative

Money-Making Visionary Within

Elevate your money-making energy for your next spiritually rich bitch era. Never worry about paying off your mortgage, get those custodial IRAs set up that everyone talks about on TikTok and bring passion into creating a BFF relationship with your money no matter what your bank account looks like right now. 

Tap into this frequency and know that you can be rich and spiritual and you should.

Everything you want is your desire for a reason.

Clear away any shame, judgment and other suppressed blockages to become a clear channel for receiving EVERYTHING you desire and feel alive and excited about it!



There is a stigma that it's harder to live a blissed-out life while making tons of money doing so. A lot of us have all been conditioned to believe money is a scarce commodity and something NEVER to be talked out.

We need more conscious women to be abundant and create change with more resources!

It’s TIME.

So you find yourself hustling to the point of burnout, living paycheck to paycheck, keeping yourself stuck and limited just to “get by.” Or selling yourself short to the abundance that’s available to you and keeping yourself at the same income or revenue, it’s time to shift your frequency.

We realized that fear of money and the way we think about money is completely OUT OF WHACK and one of the BIGGEST limiting beliefs stopping us from being massively compensated by sharing our gifts with the world.

And let us tell you, it is a LIE and it's time to go.

You are born to be wildly abundant.

To work less, enjoy more.

To take vacations, see the world and experience this life fully.

To have quality time with those you love.

To have all the resources you need and want and more than enough to give to others.

To create something that has never been created that the new earth needs.

There are so many amazing experiences here to experience and it's all available for you if you are ready to claim it.


Love, you’ve come to the right place.

We did the healing, used our tools to clear that energy, and decided we were MORE THAN WORTHY it to be rich and happy. We made a quantum leap, attracted abundance and continue to build our wealth, and are just getting started!

This course is for all women no matter what your net worth is, the intention is to get you in the frequency of more prosperity with all areas of your life and take things to the next level.

And now we get to share with you the EXACT teachings, tools and meditations that manifested our money mindset, leaving our corporate careers, calling in making money through what we love to do and what makes us happy, and continuing to increase our wealth. 

We’re spilling ALL our money-making secrets! 

We created and designed this 4 week course to be the jumping off point for attracting more abundance and prosperity into your life. The meditations we show you are EXACTLY the ones that Tara used to manifest a $10,000 raise and call in wealth for so many other women! These are the exact practices that allowed Britt to bring in multiple passive streams of revenue and grow her real estate profile! Once you complete this program, you will release any lack and leaks keeping you separate from prosperity, money and abundance of all kinds.



4-part workshop series from Britt + Tara

On the teachings and technologies of the energetics of money, secrets to success, and the mindset of prosperity

The Millionaire's Mantra:

This mantra helps to elevate your frequency to victory and achievement. It attunes the mind to its natural state of prosperity and neutrality.

Guest Workshop:

Reclaiming Your Body's Bliss with Bodyfulness, Mindfulness Unleashed! with Dr. Rachel Allyn

Book recommendations

That changed Britt + Tara’s financial world

Kundalini kriyas, meditations and classes

To begin aligning with the energy of prosperity and open up to receiving more

11 Day Prosperity Har Challenge

What People Are Saying

“I just wanted to say that I’m so happy to be part of such a positive supportive community! I love that we are digging deeper, growing stronger and even thriving as we do our best to be beacons of light in the tumultuous times around us. So grateful to be here, with you.”

~ Juli

“Before joining, I always felt hidden and unsure of myself and my voice and now I feel so confident and courageous. Elevate the Globe supported me to shed my limiting beliefs, remember my divinity, get clear on my unique magic, and uncover my soul’s voice and who I am here to serve in my work while being authentically me. It’s been so incredible and more gifts keep showing up in my life as I do the practices in the collective.”

~ Dawna


Prosperity Rx 4 Week Course


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Or join the Intune membership for $135 less for $44/month and receive access to this program plus everything else included in the Intune membership!

 This includes all past and future Intune courses, access to our live classes and our complete online wellness studio including online yoga practices, meditation, breathwork. Get daily access to our live meditations and practices, weekly astro reports, monthly 30 day formula plans, 5-Day SHED Detox Program, Emotional Self Therapy, Lifestyle Series Practices, High Vibrational Nutrition Guide and Recipes, and so much more!


Videos in this collection:

Hi! We’re Britt + Tara!

We are co-founders of Elevate the Globe and Studio Intune, certified Kundalini yoga and meditation instructors, reiki practitioners, intuitives, and healers here to raise consciousness on the planet.

We are high-vibrational living experts who pair the energy work of Kundalini yoga with mindset training and cosmic syncing to help people align with their own truth and the best way of living.

Our podcast, classes, events, retreats, courses, and membership community deliver incredibly transformative results. The transmission of energy we provide ignites people from all walks of life to uplevel and step into their power as happy, healthy, and abundant lightworkers elevating the globe. We’re obsessed with helping people like you ELEVATE and live a life beyond your wildest dreams... to leave the “normal” and the “regular” behind, and call in a life that’s magical and extraordinary.

Intune was manifested out of a vision to elevate the vibration of the planet. One person at a time. With over hundreds of meditation, breathwork, and kriya yoga practices on demand and customized for you, Intune is helping humans all over the world strengthen their emotional and mental well-being.