UNBLOCK Meditation


February 2022
UNBLOCK Meditation

UNBLOCK Meditation

The UNBLOCK Meditation is also called the Kundalini Adi Shakti Meditation.

The Adi Shakti mantra tunes into the energy of the divine feminine, the creative force of the universe. It will help you to rid yourself of the insecurities which block freedom of action. By meditating on this mantra you can obtain a deeper understanding of the constant interplay between the manifest and the unmanifest qualities of the cosmos and consciousness. This meditation can help you tap into a deeper understanding of yourself as a creative force and open you up to messages of the universe. It crafts your mental ability to focus and beam your energy to fulfill desires and eliminate your fears. 

Feel free (and we recommend) to practice this meditation for 40 days as that is said to be the time that is suggested for integration and changing a habit, or more!

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