Meditation to Realize Your Feminine Power


January 2022
Meditation to Realize Your Feminine Power

Meditation to Realize Your Feminine Power

Tara Schulenberg

Ready to focus on that feminine and nurturing side of yourself?

The Arcline is the nucleus of the aura - the electromagnetic field around us. We all have one that extends from ear to ear over the brow "like a halo" and female bodied have an additional Arcline across the Heart Center from nipple to nipple. The sexual experiences of a person who is female bodied has gone through in their life are imprinted in this Arcline.

In the yogic tradition it is recognized that being a female bodied human has incredible power associated with it. When strengthened mentally and physically, female bodied people can have serious capacity to move and shift things in this world. Anything we put our focus on - we can move it, steer it, for the positive, if we decide to take control of our own minds and realize our power.

Practice this meditation when you want to nurture that feminine power that lives inside you.

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