Mind Balancing Kriya


December 2023
Mind Balancing Kriya

Mind Balancing Kriya

Tara Schulenberg

“We all have habit patterns; we could not function without them. But sometimes the patterns we have created are not wanted. You have changed, so you want the patterns to change”

This Kundalini yoga kriya can take you beyond the dualities of “right” and “wrong” or “me” and “you” and step into a zone of non-duality. As we flow through this kriya, it's like unlocking a door to a whole new level of experience – one where the neutral mind becomes your sidekick. This meditation isn't just a practice; it's a journey that stretches your reality beyond the everyday grind. It sparks that curiosity to explore beyond the familiar. In the realm of the meditative mind, happiness and fulfillment aren't just possibilities – they're waiting for you to claim them.

This is also called Mind Balancing Kriya.

Feel free (and we recommend) to practice this meditation for 40 days as that is said to be the time that is suggested for integration and changing a habit, or more!

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