Meditation to Ground Your Bum


January 2022
Meditation to Ground Your Bum

Meditation to Ground Your Bum

Britt Deanda

This meditation is all about balancing the First Chakra. We need our first chakras to be developed to feel stability and security and that we have a right to be here. It is closely related to our worthiness on our planet and if it is underdeveloped, we might have a hard time fully experiencing the benefits that all of the other chakras can bring us. So Ground Your Bum as you create a strong, sturdy foundation for all of your desires to grow upon!

But first, assess the health of your First (Root) Chakra with the pointers below so you’re aware of the healing that can take place with this meditation.

Root, 1st Chakra 

Your Security & Survival Center

Check off all that relate to you. Note how many you check off in each section. If you have more in the imbalanced section, you’ll be working to strengthen and create more energy in your root chakra, and if you have more in the balanced section, you’ll be creating an even stronger earthquake-proof foundation.


  1. Secure with yourself 
  2. A sense of belonging on the Earth
  3. Feel stable 
  4. Life flows with ease
  5. Loose grip on attachments
  6. Financial abundance 
  7. Not focused on fear
  8. Satisfying sex life 


  1. Life feels like a burden
  2. Feeling like you don’t belong 
  3. Anxiety disorders
  4. Overly fearful
  5. Nightmares
  6. Problems with elimination organs (and prostate in men)
  7. Physical and mental resistance
  8. Sex drive is on hyperdrive 

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