Leo Full Moon Kundalini Activation Replay - Thursday, January 25th


January 2024
Leo Full Moon Kundalini Activation Replay - Thursday, January 25th

Leo Full Moon Kundalini Activation Replay - Thursday, January 25th

Britt Deanda

Join Britt and the Intune community in a heart-opening kundalini yoga activation where we’ll tap into subtle magnetism and empowerment! Get ready for your heart to burst wide open! Watch this replay.

The full moon in Leo is the perfect time to begin developing a love for yourself without conditions. It begins by loving yourself for being you. You do not need to do anything, accomplish anything, or create anything to be loved. Feel this energy of love throughout the full moon. This fiery full moon inspired us to align with our true authentic selves. It urges us to strike a balance between romance and friendship, and between expressing ourselves in personal and impersonal ways. Leo teaches us that listening and following our hearts takes COURAGE. To feel and amplify the positive vibrations of the heart, we must also be willing to dive to the depths of it and see its shadows. To feel and understand everything else the heart holds. Use this full moon to release attachments holding you back from what you desire. Whether it’s a relationship, habit, or story, this is the moon to feel it & release it.

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