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How to Practice Breath of Fire

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In this video Britt will teach you about how to practice Breath of Fire properly.

BOF is a foundational breathwork practice in the Kundalini yoga tradition and it's a favorite among many yogis. It's used to strengthen the nervous system, awaken your third chakra (your willpower), cleanse the bloodstream, energize and wake up the other body systems, and increase your physical endurance and stamina.

The practice utilizes your diaphragm in a pumping motion, in and out, to create a steady rhythm of breathing through your nose, similar to a bellows for a fireplace. Inhaling as you expand your belly out, exhale as you contract your belly in. This rapid movement of oxygen stimulates your entire body and has a long list of benefits like:

  • Balances the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems

  • Cleanses the bloodstream

  • Strengthens your core, the navel center

  • Increases lung capacity, physical endurance and stamina

  • Adjusts the psycho-electromagnetic field of the aura

  • Boosts the immune system 

  • Balances the brain and helps to break addictions

The typical practice of BOF is between 1-31 minutes. It can be done on its own but it's also a breathing technique you'll find in a number of Kundalini kriyas and meditations.

When to NOT practice breath of fire in any kriya or meditation, and replace with long deep breathing:

  1. When you're on the first 3 days of your moon cycle (to not interfere with the body's natural cleansing process). Light BOF after the first 3 days.

  2. If you're pregnant or think you're pregnant - do long deep breathing instead.

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