Watch the replay and join the Intune community for a live full-length Kundalini yoga class with mantra, movement, breathwork and meditation. This class specifically with work with this eclipse energy to ground our energy and open the heart.
The Libra Lunar Eclipse on March 25th is one of the most important astrological events this month. A Libra Full Moon reminds us that reconnecting with our inner calm and softness is the secret to blissful, abundant, healthy lives. This is the perfect opportunity to manifest healing or clearing energy - especially in your relationships. Paired with eclipse energy, our urge to harmonize and connect with ourselves and those around us will be intensified. This celestial atmosphere magnifies one's capacity for manifestation, particularly for desires long nurtured within the soul. Have faith in your ability to enhance and invite greater beauty into your life. While the spring energy will ask us to move forward with this full moon eclipse we’re encouraged to slow down, reassess, and tend to our heart.