Let’s open up your wealth channels! Magnetize that money, honey.
(make sure to click on the "Resources" tab to access your April downloadable)
This month is an opportunity to take a look at your relationship with money and transform it into one that is abundant, expansive, and MAGNETIZED. Often what keeps us from experiencing wealth, abundance, and prosperity in our lives comes down to learned beliefs you’ve developed from your experiences.
There are a lot of people - women especially - who often feel selfish or greedy for desiring money. Too many shrink themselves, play small, doubt or limit themselves around their wealth and abundance. We realized it actually harms us and is the worst thing to limit our wealth. It is your birthright to live a fulfilling, pleasurable, and abundant life. You’re allowed to live a life that makes you feel GOOD. Our human existence here on planet Earth was built for adventures, joyful memories and so much high vibrational love.
The yogic teachings give guidance to realize that prosperity is a frequency that emits from us, just like the fragrance of a flower and we can tap into this frequency to experience more joy, freedom, happiness, and health as we grow and evolve.
We are worth it to be RICH & successful. We are worth it to be abundant. And this means success AND happiness.
If you’re ready to expand your richness and prosperity then it’s time to shift your perspective and clear out the subconscious perspectives that are keeping you from magnetizing that money and abundance that’s available to you. This month we’ll be aligning your energy and mindset to manifest greater wealth and not just when it comes to money, but health, relationships and success.
This will be a beautiful time to bring in more of what truly elevates you, excites you, and makes you feel so, so good. We are here to flourish in spiritual richness and happiness.
If you are ready to dive deeper into wealth and abundance make sure to upgrade to an unlimited membership if you aren’t already or buy PROSPERITY RX pillbox a la cart!
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